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Thursday, 23 June 2011

Empires And Allies Tricks - 3 To Get You Making Mega Progress

Here are 3 Empires and Allies tricks that will have you leveling up and gaining all sorts of goodies fast.

  • When you visit a neighbor, choose an empty space to attack. If you do this then you will only ever face 2 forces and usually they are the level 1 easy strength forces too. Although you could let full blast with 5 high strength forces, make it easy on your neighbor or they will just defriend you later.
  • Whenever the game makes you want to send a gift, do it. The more gifts you send then the more you will receive. Don't bother with decorations - nobody wants those! Just send energy or Liberty Bonds.
  • Use longer yielding crops. Harvesting crops every 15 minutes takes up valuable energy. You should only do that when you need the money badly. But if you don't, leave the crops to mature for longer. You'll be able to use your energy for much more useful things.
These tips were taken from Empires Conquered, the ultimate way to advance 20 levels in just 3 days! Click Here.


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