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Monday, 27 June 2011

How Do You Rotate Buildings On Empires And Allies?

How can you rotate the buildings on Empires And Allies?

Unfortuantely, the simple answer is that you cannot. But luckily it's not that big of a deal in this game. Most of the buildings are square and the game creators learned from Cityville so you rarely find your view obstructed or obscured due to a lack of rotate option.

Maybe in the future they will introduce a rotate option but it is extremely unlikely simply because there is no real need for one.

I know what you're thinking: "it could be useful". I looked for one too when I first started to play the game but I quickly realised that you don't need it at all and I never thought about it since. And now I'm quite advanced in the game.


  1. There HAS to be a rotate option. How do I know this? Because I have friends whose buildings are rotated (mainly their shipyards).

  2. ya i see my friends shipyards turned too and if you notice steele has turned shipyards too
