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Monday, 27 June 2011

Empires And Allies Secrets Review - FINALLY!

Finally I got my hands on this guide, Empires And Allies Secrets. So, what do I think?

Well, let's see what we've got here. The guide is a total of 53 pages. So what do you get?

The first 8 pages are fluff: a general introduction and then an explanation of what coins, oil, wood and ore are etc. There is a great hot tip of page 9 which tells you how to easily get the ores that you need from your neighbors that many people probably do not know about.

Then there is a lot more fluff over the next few pages, telling you about the basic menus etc. A third of the way through the guide (p18) and it starts to talk about neighbors. On p22 there is a great table that tells you how to best make the most of visiting your neighbors which is quite handy.

Starting p32, there is a mission walkthrough for missions 1 to 10. This is a total waste of time as these missions are easy anyway. If you want my walkthrough for free, you can just click here.

Then there is a handy table of the single player battle missions in the game. This is quite handy actually but won't actually help you win them.

Finally, there is a PvP battling guide. It didn't really teach me anything I didn't know already. It might be good for a beginner who does not know how to get direct and critical hits but it won't be that useful otherwise.

By the way, the guide is interspersed with some "IMPORTANT TIPS" marked in red throughout. Mostly, these are pretty good. But it's just a shame that they have to be surrounded by so much fluff just to get to them! At least they are marked in RED and so area easy to find.

There are a couple of bonuses included with the guide too. These could easily have been integrated into the guide itself but are separate for some strange reason. The first "Speed Leveling With Neighbors" tells you how to get more neighbors but then the rest is pure fluff! It just covers the same material that was already in the guide about visiting your neighbors and accepting their help when they visit you. Pure repetition!

The second is called "Free Empire Cash Report". It gives you a method for promoting the guide and making money out of it. You can do this with all Empires & Allies guides and not just this one so don't be fooled into thinking you must buy this one in order to make money this way.


Overall, I'm a little disappointed by this. If you are a total noob who hasn't even played 5 minutes yet then this will help you. It also does contain some good tips throughout as marked "IMPORTANT TIP" in red, it's just a shame that these are so few and far between and lodged between wads of pure fluff. There are a few other gems in there and the tables are also useful. The bonuses are mostly fluff and could be summed up in 2 pages and added to the main report.

Personally, I prefer another guide which is not as well known as this one. The other guide is Empires Conquered. It is NOT full of fluff. The introductions are kept to a minimum and, instead, you get a list of important "power strategies" that you need to use to level up fast. In total, there are something like 37 power strategies they advise. At the end of Empires Conquered, you get a list of all these 37 strategies that is easy to refer to, the rest of the book is an explanation for them. So the idea is that you read the guide once and then just refer to this easy list of 37 if you want to refresh your memory. It works REALLY well to get pro-habits instilled in you and you don't need this list after a day or two.

So, all in all, I'm a little disappointed in Empires And Allies Secrets. It's still a decent guide but Empires Conquered is WAY better. You can check out Empires Conquered here: Click Here.

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