Are there any cheats for the Empires and Allies game by Zynga?
The answer is "no". Don't be fooled by something called "Cheat Engine". All this does is change the memory registers that contain the current values of things like your coin value and XP. But as soon as the game updates, so does your screen and everything goes back to the way it was. You cannot cheat the game servers, it's just not possible as they are protected.
What about bots? There are some bots in development but what they do is help you to do a few rudimentary things such as collecting coins, harvesting, etc. They basically automate your clicks. But what they cannot do is break any of the rules of the game. They cannot give unlimited energy and they cannot level you up quickly. They are fiddly to configure and all they end up doing for you is saving a bit of time clicking around your empire. Do not bother with bots - they are more trouble than they are worth?
What If You Want To Level Up Fast?
Of course, there is no single way to play this game. There are almost infinite variations and your strategy plays the key part in determining how quickly you can level up. If you know a few key tricks then you can even get past level 25 in just 3 days! To find out how, click here.
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