BANG!!! The single BEST WAY to level up FAST in Empires & Allies - Do you know it? Click Here to find out now.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Need Neighbors For Empires And Allies?

Do you need more neighbors for Empires And Allies? That's an easy one.

Simply go to the Facebook search box and type in empires allies add neighbors and it will turn up with many different groups.

Visit those groups and leave a comment saying "Add Me". If you want to be really effective then you should leave a little bit more, say that you are a daily player and you always return gifts and you send plenty of gifts etc.

If you do this then tons of people will add you as their friend. You should then invite them to be your neighbors. Don't be lazy and wait for them to do that as that's unfair!

"The Ultimate Empires & Allies Guru Exposes The Secret Tactics You Can Use To Legally Conquer The Game And Get Past Level 25 In Just 3 Days...100% Guaranteed!" - Click Here

How To Get Empire Points?

Empire points are a way to short cut this game. You get one each time you level up. Otherwise, there is no free way to get them and you have to pay real cash to get them. This works out to be really expensive.

If you're a millionaire then who cares, right? If you earn 6 figures then who cares.

But if you are like everyone else on a normal salary then how else can you short cut your way to the top? The answer is a guide like Empires Conquered.

How To Complete "Bombing Run" Task?

How To Complete "Bombing Run" Task?

This is one of many tasks that will require you to "deploy" a specific type of military unit, in this case 2 vintage bombers in order to destroy a battleship.

Now many people find that they build the unit in these types of missions and yet the game doesn't seem to recognize it. It says something like "0/2" to indicate that nothing happened.

The reason is that if the game asks you to deploy something then this means you must put it on the map. You cannot just stick it in your inventory by clicking the cancel button.

Get Past Level 25 In Just 3 Days...100% Guaranteed - Click Here

How To Put Map Items Into Inventory?

Space on your map is a premium in this game so what about your inventory? Inventories are normally for storing stuff so what can you put in there?

Well, unfortunately, you cannot take something from your map and place it in your inventory. The game won't let you do that. The inventory is really used to store things that the game gives you and wants you to place.

But there is a loophole you can exploit!

If you create military units and are about to place them then you can click the cancel button and it will put it in your inventory. The best part is that you can use these units in battle, even though they aren't on your map!

So if you want to have 24 military units stuffed in your inventory and none on the map then all 24 will be available to choose from any time you have a battle. This leads to all kinds of other possibilities too...

Like this cool tip? Get plenty more just like it from the Empires & Allies guru here: Click Here.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Empires And Allies Army Research Lab

The Army Research Lab is a new feature in Empires and Allies. It's designed to help people make their forces even more deadlier but they do have to work for it and ask for various gifts from their neighbors to train their military units.

It's still too early to tell but I personally think that the best one is accuracy? Why? Because it will increase your amount of critical hits and kills and this means that you will get more XP, energy, ores as well as oil and other bits and pieces, while fighting.

Right now, it's not all that important. You don't need it to get to level 55 and beyond. You can do just as well with the "vanilla" military units.

"The Ultimate Empires & Allies Guru Exposes The Secret Tactics You Can Use To Legally Conquer The Game And Get Past Level 25 In Just 3 Days...100% Guaranteed!" - Click Here

Empires And Allies Bot Video

There are already Empires and Allies bot programs not just in development but actually released. I found one over at YouTube the other day.

So far, they just automate a few clicks and what-not. The bots for Empires and Allies have to be a lot more complicated than the ones for Cityville because they have to ignore invaded territory, unless you like using up more energy to harvest from those areas.

They should be pretty good for battling though and can help you to win. Battling requires a lot of mindless clicking and the decisions are normally quite easy to make...for the simplest of battles that is. For the more complex battles with mixed class types and up to 5 on each side then sometimes you need to change strategy mid-way through and often there is more than on possible strategy even at the beginning of the battle.

So a bot will never be a substitute for a human in battle who knows the best strategies.

Anyway, check out the bot video below:

Forget about programming a bot. Simple "guru" strategies will make you conquer 25 levels in just 3 days - Click Here.

Empires And Allies Energy Hack? What Is It? Can You Hack The Energy?

Is there an Empires and Allies energy hack? No, but there is something close. In this article, I will tell you how to get more and more energy easily and the tips just get better and better. The final one is the closest thing to an energy hack that you will find.

  • Wait. OK, this is the worst one. But if you are out of energy then you can just wait a few minutes to get replenished.
  • Visit your neighbors and tend to their empires. Each neighbor you do this for will give you one free energy.
  • Engage in battle. Most of the time this will cost you energy but sometimes it won't. A bit chancy though.
  • Ask your friends for energy. The game will prompt you to do this when you run out and it will usually work.
  • Give your friends energy. If you do this then they will hit a button to simply send you some back. This works really well.
  • Go to neighbor groups and beg for energy to become someone's neighbor. Many noobs will actually go for this.
  • Finally, there is a trick that means you can always have unlimited energy. In fact, I find myself with more than I can hold in my inventory. So I have 50 energy in my energy bar PLUS a total of 15 batteries of each type which is total 90 energy units. And I can still get more, I just don't have space for them, lol! To find out how to get these 140 energy units and more, click here.

Empires And Allies Trailer On YouTube

Trailers have long looked nothing like the real thing. The Empires And Allies Trailer is also a custom animation but it does resemble the real game for the most part.

It starts by showing the construction of some building as well as a market selling resources. Then you get some sneak peeks of gameplay in a series of quick frames, including the PvP battling. Pretty quick and, for the most part, pretty accurate:

Empires And Allies Hack? Can You Really Hack This Game?

Is there an Empires and Allies hack? If you've been reading this blog for the last few weeks and months then you will know that there is no such thing. You cannot hack this game.

The closest you can get to cheating is to use a bot. A bot is just a way to automatically do your clicks for you. They are quite limited though and are easily defeated by complex tasks. So don't expect a bot to do any more than just collecting a few coins.

Look, you want to level up fast, right? Well, the only way to do that is with a good strategy. If you do it properly then you can get to level 25 within just 3 days. It will take you a little longer to reach level 55 - around 2 to 3 weeks even going at full speed. That's because the higher the level you go then the more XP you need to advance each level.

Here are some tips for leveling quickly:

  • Invade others. Fighting is rewarded handsomely in this game, especially in the beginning when you don't have much space to create an industrial empire.
  • Get lots of neighbors. In every respect, having more neighbors in this game will help you. This is the hallmark of all Zynga games.
  • Make your battles easy. Why lose units and lose battles? You should win them all. When invading others, if the fight looks too difficult then just hit the cancel button and try invading a different patch where there are fewer enemies. You can always cancel an invasion and try again, there are no forced invasions in this game.
  • Be generous and give gifts to your friends. Periodically the game will ask you to do this and you should always take the chance. Why? Because the more you give then the more you receive. People will remember you too.
  • Help out your neighbors. For much the same reasons as above. People will remember you and will give gifts to you and help you out when you get invaded too. This is a very cooperative game.
Of course, there is no single way to play this game. There are almost infinite variations and your strategy plays the key part in determining how quickly you can level up. If you know a few key tricks then you can even get past level 25 in just 3 days! To find out how,click here.

Monday, 27 June 2011

How Do You Rotate Buildings On Empires And Allies?

How can you rotate the buildings on Empires And Allies?

Unfortuantely, the simple answer is that you cannot. But luckily it's not that big of a deal in this game. Most of the buildings are square and the game creators learned from Cityville so you rarely find your view obstructed or obscured due to a lack of rotate option.

Maybe in the future they will introduce a rotate option but it is extremely unlikely simply because there is no real need for one.

I know what you're thinking: "it could be useful". I looked for one too when I first started to play the game but I quickly realised that you don't need it at all and I never thought about it since. And now I'm quite advanced in the game.

How To Win Battles In Empires And Allies?

Winning battles in this game is easy if you know how.

To win and win consistently, you must score all or mostly direct or critical hits. This means choosing the military unit with the biggest advantage. Not only will you take a lot of hit points off your opponent if you do this but you will also be protected and your opponent will find it very difficult to target you.

Also, don't fight huge battles against major opponents. Go for easy pickings. It will cost you fewer troops if you do it this way (not that replenishing troops is very expensive, because it generally isn't). For example, when visiting neighbors, find an area of land with no defenders in it. If you do this then you will generally be faced only with two of your opponent's weakest troops that he or she has which means you can easily win and profit handsomely in the process too.

Empires and Allies Cheats and Tips
Discover Secret Tactics Pros Use
To Own the Top Empire in 7 Days!

Can I Buy Liberty Bonds With Empires And Allies Cash?

Q Can I Buy Liberty Bonds With Empires And Allies Cash?

A Yes you can. 10 Liberty Bonds are needed for an expansion and, if you don't have them, the game will try to get you to buy them instead.

Don't waste your time and money on this. It is a very poor use of it. You would be much better off getting a strategy guide. With one of these, you can level up 25 times in just 3 days. It would probably take you hundreds of dollars if you bought in-game cash instead. Don't waste your money unless you're a millionaire. Check out Empires Conquered instead.

Are There Cheats For Empires And Allies?

Are there any cheats for the Empires and Allies game by Zynga?

The answer is "no". Don't be fooled by something called "Cheat Engine". All this does is change the memory registers that contain the current values of things like your coin value and XP. But as soon as the game updates, so does your screen and everything goes back to the way it was. You cannot cheat the game servers, it's just not possible as they are protected.

What about bots? There are some bots in development but what they do is help you to do a few rudimentary things such as collecting coins, harvesting, etc. They basically automate your clicks. But what they cannot do is break any of the rules of the game. They cannot give unlimited energy and they cannot level you up quickly. They are fiddly to configure and all they end up doing for you is saving a bit of time clicking around your empire. Do not bother with bots - they are more trouble than they are worth?

What If You Want To Level Up Fast?

Of course, there is no single way to play this game. There are almost infinite variations and your strategy plays the key part in determining how quickly you can level up. If you know a few key tricks then you can even get past level 25 in just 3 days! To find out how, click here.

How To Get Invaders In Empires And Allies?

Getting invaders in Empires and Allies can be a shrewd strategy because it means you don't have to go invading others. Let them come to you instead.

So how do you invite people? One way is that when going to neighbor add groups, instead of just saying "Add Me" you can say something like "Invade Me" instead.

Another way is to leave the center of your map totally undefended. This is the first thing that visitors will see when they pass by your map and many of your neighbors will find it too difficult to resist invading your territory! If you want to give them an even bigger carrot then you should stick some industrial units in there too because then they will have an even greater incentive to attack.

The only downside to this strategy is that people may invade you with strong forces that cost you a lot to repel. You can wait for your neighbors to help you but this can take a few hours, especially if you are playing at a time when not many others are online.

Discover how to get invaded often but only with low strength troops! Empires Conquered has the best invading and cooperative strategies that mean you always have easy battles and get tons of ores, XP and free energy! Check it out now, here: Empires Conquered.

Empires And Allies Secrets Review - FINALLY!

Finally I got my hands on this guide, Empires And Allies Secrets. So, what do I think?

Well, let's see what we've got here. The guide is a total of 53 pages. So what do you get?

The first 8 pages are fluff: a general introduction and then an explanation of what coins, oil, wood and ore are etc. There is a great hot tip of page 9 which tells you how to easily get the ores that you need from your neighbors that many people probably do not know about.

Then there is a lot more fluff over the next few pages, telling you about the basic menus etc. A third of the way through the guide (p18) and it starts to talk about neighbors. On p22 there is a great table that tells you how to best make the most of visiting your neighbors which is quite handy.

Starting p32, there is a mission walkthrough for missions 1 to 10. This is a total waste of time as these missions are easy anyway. If you want my walkthrough for free, you can just click here.

Then there is a handy table of the single player battle missions in the game. This is quite handy actually but won't actually help you win them.

Finally, there is a PvP battling guide. It didn't really teach me anything I didn't know already. It might be good for a beginner who does not know how to get direct and critical hits but it won't be that useful otherwise.

By the way, the guide is interspersed with some "IMPORTANT TIPS" marked in red throughout. Mostly, these are pretty good. But it's just a shame that they have to be surrounded by so much fluff just to get to them! At least they are marked in RED and so area easy to find.

There are a couple of bonuses included with the guide too. These could easily have been integrated into the guide itself but are separate for some strange reason. The first "Speed Leveling With Neighbors" tells you how to get more neighbors but then the rest is pure fluff! It just covers the same material that was already in the guide about visiting your neighbors and accepting their help when they visit you. Pure repetition!

The second is called "Free Empire Cash Report". It gives you a method for promoting the guide and making money out of it. You can do this with all Empires & Allies guides and not just this one so don't be fooled into thinking you must buy this one in order to make money this way.


Overall, I'm a little disappointed by this. If you are a total noob who hasn't even played 5 minutes yet then this will help you. It also does contain some good tips throughout as marked "IMPORTANT TIP" in red, it's just a shame that these are so few and far between and lodged between wads of pure fluff. There are a few other gems in there and the tables are also useful. The bonuses are mostly fluff and could be summed up in 2 pages and added to the main report.

Personally, I prefer another guide which is not as well known as this one. The other guide is Empires Conquered. It is NOT full of fluff. The introductions are kept to a minimum and, instead, you get a list of important "power strategies" that you need to use to level up fast. In total, there are something like 37 power strategies they advise. At the end of Empires Conquered, you get a list of all these 37 strategies that is easy to refer to, the rest of the book is an explanation for them. So the idea is that you read the guide once and then just refer to this easy list of 37 if you want to refresh your memory. It works REALLY well to get pro-habits instilled in you and you don't need this list after a day or two.

So, all in all, I'm a little disappointed in Empires And Allies Secrets. It's still a decent guide but Empires Conquered is WAY better. You can check out Empires Conquered here: Click Here.

Walkthrough For Empires And Allies - First 10 Missions

Here is an easy walkthrough for Empires and Allies.

Mission 1 - At The Ready

This is easy. You are already waiting for your barracks to finish your first military unit, cadet soldiers. Simply wait for it to complete, click on the barracks and then click some empty space to place them.

Mission 2 - Empire Spirit

Access your inventory from the menu in the lower right corner and you'll find the flag inside. Click on it and then click somewhere on your map to place it. Finally, give your empire a name. That's it!

Mission 3 - Rebuilding Hope

You already have 2 huts but now you need to build 2 more. Access the Build menu in the lower right corner and find the small island hut, it will be under houses/residential buildings. Then click some empty space to start building. You'll have to click 3 times to finish building. Do it again for another hut. That's it!

Mission 4 - Feed The Troops

For this mission you just build a farm and plant some corn. Go to the Build menu and find the farm under Industry. Place the farm and remember to click the plot 3 times to actually finish building it. Then click on the farm again and you'll be asked what seeds you want to plant. Choose the corn.

Mission 5 - Harvest Time

If you hover over your farm you will see the time remaining till harvest. The appearance of your crop will also change. When the time is ready, you can click the crop and it will be harvested.

Mission 6 - The Voice Of The People

At any time you have a maximum possible population. You can't go over this unless you build government buildings. For this mission you need to go to the Build Menu and then Government Buildings and you will see the Parliament Building available. Click on it and place it and obviously click 3 times to construct it.

You will then need to staff it. Click on the building and you will get the option to hire your friends. This is why you need to have a lot of neighbors in this game or else you will get held back.

Mission 7 - Cannon Building

For this mission you just build another barracks (Build, Industry menu) then click the barracks to construct 2 cannon artillery. You can save time by clicking one at a time on both barracks so you build both of the cannon artillery at the same time.

Mission 8 - Morale Boost

For this mission you build 2 farms then plant watermelon seeds then harvest them. By now I'm sure you know how to do this.

Mission 9 - Recon Mission

This mission is easy. All you do is use those map manipulation buttons on the right hand side: full screen, zoom out and zoom in. That's it!

Mission 10 - Tank In The Woods

This is your first battle. You will be guided through it every step of the way. You will be told to use your cannon artillery against the tank. Notice how effective it is and how well protected you are. This is an important lesson of battling.

Discover the incredible leveling strategy of a real Empires & Allies guru! There are NO cheats in this game but this is the NEXT BEST THING: Click Here.

Empires And Allies FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) for the game of Empires & Allies.

Q How do I get more coins?

A Coins are the main currency of the game. You can get more of them by fighting others and performing most basic tasks in the game. But the main way of getting coins is from farming and collecting rent. In my opinion, farming is the best way. As you progress, it is worth collecting the rent from more expensive houses but the cheaper, low rent houses suck and are a waste of your energy.

Q How do I get more cash?

A You get one piece of cash each time you level up. Otherwise, the only way to get it is to buy it. If you have money to spare on buying in-game cash then hold still for a moment. You are MUCH better off spending it on a strategy guide as you will level up quicker for a smaller cost and you will also better understand the game too. Click Here.

Q How do I level up fast?

A You get XP for many different activities in the game. One way is to simply collect rent, harvest crops, collect oil and wood etc. But this will take you a very, very long time to level up this way. It is far better to fight for XP. The average battle that I fight may give me 10 or even 20 units of XP. And if you do it right then it will also cost you hardly any energy at all. Sometimes I come out of a battle with more energy than I started with! If you want to know how to battle and win like this, I recommend Empires Conquered.

My Neat Trick For Getting More Energy In Empires And Allies

Here's a neat trick I use all the time.

When people gift energy to their friends, the list of friends is in alphabetical order. You can bet that those right at the bottom hardly ever receive any gifts.

So what I purposely do is to start at the bottom and click away when choosing my friends to give gifts such as 3x batteries to. If you do this then these people who hardly ever receive gifts will definitely appreciate it and will return your kindness by sending you gifts back. They hardly ever receive any from others so you will have a good friend for life!

Other top Empires and Allies players are not happy I'm making this available. For my own safety I may have to stop selling this report at any moment. Today is your opportunity to get this guide now while it's still available - Click Here.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Empires And Allies Inventory - How To Use It Best

The inventory in Empires and Allies is the place where you store things.

For example, your spare batteries (for energy) go in here. You can hold up to 15 of each. So if you are given any batteries by your neighbors then make sure you have space for them or else they will go to waste.

You can also store your military units in here. Any time you produce a military unit, you can click on the barracks or seaport or whatever and then instead of placing it, click the "cancel" button. This is a great way to save space on your map and use it for buildings instead of units.

The only time I ever go into my inventory is to check my troop levels, use some batteries or check I have enough Liberty Bonds for expansion. That's it.

Empires And Allies Government Buildings - What Are They For?

Empires and Allies government buildings - what is their purpose? Can you ignore them? Can you NOT afford to ignore them?

The whole point of these government buildings is to limit the rate at which you can expand. To unlock features in the game such as higher level buildings, you need to increase your population. But at any given time, your population is always limited. You can see in the lower left hand corner what your current limit is. So how is the limit set?

Your limit is determined by government buildings. You need to build the next one to raise the limit that you can expand with houses. Unfortunately, government buildings usually cost a lot of coins AND a lot of wood. In fact, as the game progresses, you will find that the wood limitation gets quite annoying.

This is why it is important to build enough lumber mills. Don't find yourself out of wood when you need it most. Wood is more important than oil in this game (at the moment anyway). Wood and coins are both important, don't worry too much about oil.

If you want to know a whole lot more then I strongly recommend Chris Coolridge's amazing guide. I used it and was able to get to level 27 in just 3 days! Before that I had spent a week getting to just level 6! You can check out his great strategies here: Empires Conquered.

How To Expand In Empires And Allies?

How To Expand In Empires And Allies?

So you're fast running out of space so how on earth do you expand in this game and get more space quickly?

First of all you need coins. In the beginning you don't need that many at all but the price of expansion rapidly goes up each time and eventually reaches several million coins.

You also need something called "Liberty Bonds". This is a way for the game creators of Empires and Allies to prevent you from going it alone and just using coins. You MUST have neighbors and thereby indirectly spread the word about the game because it is through neighbors that you can get these Liberty Bonds as a gift.

You need 10 of them per expansion and your inventory only allows you to hold up to 15 so this also means that you can't really hoard them either so you ALWAYS need to have neighbors.

Anyway, once you have the coins and the bonds then you can expand. In the beginning, try to stick to land because you can be most productive and level up more quickly. You only need the sea when you want to build a seaport and, even then, you should stick to land until you are forced to expand beyond the main island.

Other top Empires and Allies players are not happy I'm making this available. For my own safety I may have to stop selling this report at any moment. Today is your opportunity to get this guide now while it's still available - Click Here.

Empires And Allies Energy Hack?

Empires and Allies energy hack? Where can you find one?

Well, what do you want first? The good news or the bad news?

The bad news is that there is no such thing as an "energy hack" for Empires and Allies.

The good news is that there is a strategy you can use for virtually unlimited energy. Certainly, I always seem to have too much.

The first thing you need to do is to get lots of neighbors. Read around on this site, there are many ways to do it and the best is to use the Facebook neighbors groups and ask people to add you.

Second you need to visit your neighbors and tend to their empires. This will give you free energy after 6 clicks. Unfortunately, the game creators recently put a limit of max 5 per day or something. Don't worry because you can still do something else about it.

Third you should send energy gifts to your friends. Then they will send them back to you. And when you get them back, you should ALWAYS send some back again. Take the time to do this and you will get a regular thing going. If you don't log in often then you may find yourself actually getting too MUCH energy, lol!

Discover the incredible leveling strategy of a real Empires & Allies guru! There are NO cheats in this game but this is the NEXT BEST THING: Click Here.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Empires And Allies Designs - What Is The Best Way To Build Your Empire?

The designs that you use in Empires And Allies are not critical.

For example, your placement in Cityville was critical. You had to carefully place decorations to make more rent from your properties. There were even some bizarre designs that let you get a huge boost to your coin.

In Empires And Allies, decorations are pretty much redundant. I don't see many people going out of their way to spend valuable coins on them and they don't do anything except look pretty.

For a really efficient design, the key is to not waste time when you are collecting resources and setting your industrial machines to start manufacturing again. So this means clustering units of the same type together. This way you can just click, click, click and not waste much time. It also helps your neighbors tend to your empire too which of course helps you even further.

That's pretty much it. Even the direction that you expand is not critical. In this game, space is not that much of a problem. It's not like you have to expand at the earliest opportunity. I've never had a great need to expand quickly at all, Empires is not like Cityville in that respect.

Top Empires And Allies Gaming Insider Dares to Reveal Never Before Seen Secrets the Others Gurus Don't Want You To Know - Click Here.

How To Get More Critical Hits And Critical Kills In Empires And Allies?

How do you get more critical hits and critical kills in this game?

OK, if you've been playing Empires and Allies for at least a few days then you'll know that fighting can be pretty rewarding. But if you get a regular direct hit then all that pops out is some coins and XP.

It's the critical hits and critical kills (a critical hit that takes a unit out) that really give you the goods. Coins, XP but also energy, ores and other resources (not that I really care much for the oil and wood).

Game Calculation

There isn't a great deal that you can do. The game uses an algorithm. Sometimes you get critical hit after critical hit like 5 in a row. Sometimes you get 5 regular direct hits in a row and end up running out of energy because you're not making any back!

Whatever the algorithm is, it's highly volatile. They even look like they've made it slightly easier to get them recently but at the risk of taking much more damage from the enemy.

Ultimately, there is little that you can do except continue to target properly so that you always get direct or critical hits. The balance between direct and critical ones is totally out of your control unfortunately.

You can't do much about the balance between direct and critical hits but you can make sure that you ALWAYS have easy battles and RARELY lose troops. Ask Chris Coolridge how to do it - Click Here.

How To Play Empires And Allies?

How to play Empires And Allies, the latest Zynga game? Well, it is very easy to get into (though a little harder to master). Let's see how you can hit the ground running and get into the game quickly.

  • Follow the basic tutorial first - the game creators know how to make a good tutorial. Just follow it for the first 10 minutes until you are happy. After this short time, you will know most of the menus you need to know in this game (there are not that many) and be well equipped for the next stage.
  • Get Lots Of Neighbors - you must get a lot of neighbors if you want to succeed quickly. You see, you are limited by your lack of coins and oil and wood. To make them quickly, you need to spend a lot of energy. But you don't have much, especially in the beginning. The answer is to get more and your neighbors can really help you. Get tons of neighbors quickly and send them some energy. Many of them will send you some back. This makes a real difference no matter what level you are.
  • Try to keep a balanced economy. It would take a lot of testing and many, many Facebook accounts to figure out the best way of growing in the beginning. First thing I would say is that you don't need to build tons of military barracks. The game doesn't tell you this but you only need max. 2 for a long time. So don't waste your money. Farms are quite good in the beginning because you need coins badly. Definitely it is not a bad idea to go to 4 or 5 farms in the beginning. It may seem to take a while to save up but they will quickly make you the money back. For oil and wood making industrial units, one and then two is enough at first. You may find yourself running short of different things at the beginning and you just have to balance them the best that you can. Don't let your crops wither because it will hold you back until you recover and it's a major pain!!!
  • Don't buy any in-game cash. This is a total waste of money. Paying to get a few extra energy or to unlock something that you will soon unlock anyway? Forget it. If you are just impatient then...
  • Consider a game guide. A good game guide can help you go a LONG way. We consider them a worthy investment. Right now, there are only two but there will be more soon. The first is Empires & Allies Secrets. Now, we would write about them but we are still awaiting a review copy! The second is Empires Conquered. We really like this and it's claim to get you past level 25 in just 3 days is definitely believable. We read it and concur with the strategy. There is more than one strategy to this game (it has more dimensions that Cityville and Farmville) but the one in Empires Conquered is definitely a winner.

Empires And Allies Latest

What is the Empires and Allies latest news?

Well today (though maybe it was yesterday as I took the day off and all my crops withered and I lost a ton of coin!!) I noticed that the way you build your military units had changed.

Now the default view is for the level of troops that you are qualified to build. For example, if you can build level 2 troops then those are the first choices. They have buried away level 1 troops after which can sometimes mean going to the next page.

I don't think this has been done to make your life easier. I think they want you to build stronger forces. They want people to fight more often and put up more fierce battles. They don't want you to cooperate.

It's the game equivalent of throwing a spanner in the works to try and make people fight when they are just friendly! Haha, it won't work with me. I prefer to try and cooperate with my friends. I mean, why go in all guns blazing when a small force will do? This way, we can both profit from an invasion.

The Smartest Way To Play Empires And Allies. Don't Be A Dumbass. Play The Intelligent Way - Click Here.

Empires And Allies Guide - Which Is The Best?

Empires And Allies Guide - Which Is The Best?

In recent days, two guides have launched? These two are Empires And Allies Secrets and Empires Conquered. Which is the best out of the two?

For Empires And Allies Secrets, I have no idea. I am waiting for a review copy. Hopefully their staff will hurry up and give me one because I can't make any judgement on  it yet. The site looks pretty slick but I don't really know what to make of it. There is a screenshot showing but I personally always ignore screenshots. Anybody knows that a screenshot is easily faked with Photoshop these days so they may as well stop showing them.

I did manage to get a review copy of Empires Conquered to review for this site. Their page doesn't look as slick but who cares about the site, right? What about the guide itself? Well, it's pretty good mostly. It covers each main activity in the game such as building, industries, fighting etc and tells you the best strategies to make the most of those. It is also pretty bold in telling you about one specific direction you should take with your game strategy. This is pretty ballsy stuff because you have to take their word for it that such a strategy will work. It's definitely not basic tutorial stuff anyway - you should learn something new. I like the way the author talks about coins as being just another commodity like wood or oil and should be treated the same way. All in all, I think Empires Conquered is a good read and worth the investment and a much better idea than buying game cash direct from the game creators. Check it out now: Click Here.

Empires And Allies Tricks - 3 To Get You Making Mega Progress

Here are 3 Empires and Allies tricks that will have you leveling up and gaining all sorts of goodies fast.

  • When you visit a neighbor, choose an empty space to attack. If you do this then you will only ever face 2 forces and usually they are the level 1 easy strength forces too. Although you could let full blast with 5 high strength forces, make it easy on your neighbor or they will just defriend you later.
  • Whenever the game makes you want to send a gift, do it. The more gifts you send then the more you will receive. Don't bother with decorations - nobody wants those! Just send energy or Liberty Bonds.
  • Use longer yielding crops. Harvesting crops every 15 minutes takes up valuable energy. You should only do that when you need the money badly. But if you don't, leave the crops to mature for longer. You'll be able to use your energy for much more useful things.
These tips were taken from Empires Conquered, the ultimate way to advance 20 levels in just 3 days! Click Here.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Empires And Allies Crops Guide

Here is a guide to crops on Empires And Allies

In this game, crops are much more simplified compared to previous games Farmville and Cityville. The creators didn't want farming to be a huge part of the game and actually it is less important than your military units or your ore mines or wood harvesting operations. You do need coins in this game but there are plenty of ways to get it.

One of the major changes is that it is not like some crops are WAY better than others. Basically it is more linear now and when starting out and you need coins quick and to level up fast then you just choose crops that mature in around 15 minutes as you can easily wait that long. Pretty soon though you should just choose the more expensive ones which will yield you less coins for the waiting time but will use up less energy that could be better spent doing other activities. There is no need to do a major analysis of different rates etc. as they've simplified that a lot.

The other thing is wilting. You don't have to worry so much about wilting. You seem to get twice as long in this game to harvest before your crops wilt when compared to previous games. I remember playing Cityville and trying to work out when I would next return to the game so as to choose the best crops. In this game, you don't have to do that. Most people just choose the longest to harvest crops.

Crops are still great for money in this game. If you look at most players then they still have a lot of farms to produce lots of coins. You can get coins other ways in this game but farms are still real handy for it.

Discover How To Get Past Level 25 In Just 3 Days! Click Here.

Empires And Allies Invade Strategy - What Is A Good One?

Empires And Allies invade strategy - what is a good example of one?

You know when I first played this game I hated to fight. But once you've figured it out, it becomes a pure joy getting tons of coins, XP and ore. I don't really care for the wood and oil as you don't get much for it.

So how do I do it? My tip is to pick your battles carefully.

First I'll assume that you already know how to get an advantage. Basically, one troop class always has an advantage against another. You should always do this to score with direct or critical hits every time. Not only will this reward you better with XP, ore and free energy but if you don't do this then most of your hits will miss or will be glancing blows and the computer will kill you!

You want it so that you only fight two or three units. Never pick a battle against five if there is a better alternative. Also, you want to fight against the same class of units preferably, even if there are more units. For example, it is better to fight against 5 gunboats than it is to fight against a mixture of gunboats and carriers. When you fight the mixture, some of your force will always be vulnerable. When you fight against all the same gunboats then you can blow them away easily with just one type of force and not be vulnerable at all!

So how do you make sure you get the same class? The game is random to a degree so just cancel the invasion and click the area again until you get what you want!

Anyway, this is just one of many battle tips that it pays to know. If you want to know a whole lot more then I strongly recommend Chris Coolridge's amazing guide. I used it and was able to get to level 27 in just 3 days! Before that I had spent a week getting to just level 6! You can check out his great strategies here: Empires Conquered.

Are You Ready for an Incredible Empire?

I am able to visualize how pathetic your Empire & Allies empire is at present. You are not able to expand it, a few houses, huts, cottages, a couple of allies, and a tiny army that cannot beat any enemy.

Be frank, Am I wrong?

I’m not surprised. You may have assumed that Empire & Allies is child’s play but the truth is totally different. After playing it for a month, you feel overwhelmed. You are unable to build an empire large enough to generate adequate funds or create an army that can successfully wage wars against your opponents.

I am aware that you can spend only limited number of hours everyday on this game. Do you wonder whether it possible to make the best use of them?

It’ll appear like the million dollar question, but let me assure you that not just hundreds but thousands of possibilities exist to expand your empire 10 times faster than your opponents.

I have found out the ultimate solution to do just this and it is Empire & Allies Secrets.

This latest guide accidentally landed up in my inbox the other day. This guide had revolutionized the way people look at social gaming scenarios. Players from every corner of the earth have changed the way they build their empires.

This guide is going to change everything that you assumed about Empire & Allies and I know that you are not even aware of its potential.

Trust me – it is time you seized on this incredible new opportunity. You’re struggling at the bottom of the charts and you can change that by checking out Empire & Allies Secrets before other players do that.

This is your golden chance. Grab it with both hands and you’ll never regret it.

Click Here

Will come back to you with more on this.


Are You Struggling in Empire & Allies?

When Zynga announced the launch of Empire & Allies, I did not take it seriously. Since I had seen the huge success of CityVille among Facebook members, with more than 90 million users, I thought that Zynga can never repeat that success story. How much strategy can be brought into the building of an empire? I naturally figured that all the hype about Empire & Allies was just another gimmick.

However, when I saw that several guides were sprouting like mushrooms for this new game, I started wondering about this game. When I went through the report that around 9 million people had flocked to Empire & Allies in the first 10 days, I was highly impressed. I realized that there must be something in Empire & Allies that is making it stand out.

When I actually started playing Empire & Allies, I understood the complexity that had gone into the making of this enchanting game:

  • You are required to make lot of decisions and that too very fast on the immense options available in this novel game.
  • You’ve to construct various buildings like houses, cottages, huts, industrial buildings and government establishments.
  • You’ve to delete roads and save spaces for the buildings.
  • You’ve to mine different ores like gold, silver, platinum, iron, etc. You’ve to keep watching what your neighbors have put up for sale and grab the best ones.
  • You’ve to utilize all your resources like wood and oil and trade them successfully to build cash. You should learn all about invasion, combat, and battle.
  • You should understand the subtle but dangerous strategies of the ‘Dark Alliance’ and device your own techniques to counter them.

I learnt that all these can be achieved only if I mastered the Empire & Allies Secrets guide authored by Tony ‘T Dub’ Sanders. You can also overcome your struggle in Empire & Allies with this useful guide - Click Here.

How To Get Experience In Empires And Allies?

How To Get Experience In Empires And Allies? It is much easier than you think.

First, the game rewards you with 1 XP every time you harvest crops or collect rent etc. In the beginning this is quite handy because it can help you level up fast. Very soon though, it becomes a waste of your energy.

Empires and Allies Cheats and Tips
Discover Secret Tactics Pros Use
To Own the Top Empire in 7 Days!

A better way to get experience is to fight. When you fight, if you do your targeting properly then you will get 1 XP every time you land a direct or critical hit. You can get anywhere between 10 and 50 or even more XP per battle!

So the answer is to fight. But isn't that dangerous? No, it's not. Not if you know how to do it properly.

If you don't know, then you will get beaten all the time and lose and get hardly any XP and then have to spend more energy just recovering your forces.

If you know the right way then you will always have easy battles that you can win. Right now, I win around 90% of my battles. The 10% that I lose are no big deal because I use a special strategy that means that it costs me hardly any oil or coins to replenish my troops. And don't forget that it doesn't cost any energy at all to build military units which is also really handy!

How to Dominate Empires and Allies
Be Envied and Respected!
This Guide Teaches You All.

In this game, it is critical to fight if you want to level quickly. You can't get there by being "Mr. Nice Guy". Forget about immunity, it is a total waste of time and mainly for noobs. If you look at the higher levels, some people use immunity but the vast majority do not.

If you want to know how to fight properly so you can get masses of XP, coins, ores, oil, wood and everything else you need then click here.

Empires And Allies - How To Request Help?

Empires And Allies - How To Request Help?

This is actually one of the easiest things to do in the game. You simply click whatever it is that you need help with and a button appears and you can click it to ask for help. This applies when waiting for crops to come to harvest or ore to be mined, for example.

What if you need help to repel an invader? Well, again, if you hover the mouse over the invaded area or above the invaders icon then an option should appear in the form of a button that you can click to ask for help. Then you just have to wait.

How long will you have to wait? That depends on how many neighbors you have. It is critical in this game to get as many neighbors as that. Not just a ton of neighbors but also the helpful ones who are always on the lookout to expel invading forces from your empire.

As an example, every time I log on I always see that I have been invaded 8 times. But I nearly always see at least 6 people having repelled the forces already! (appears in blue). Sometimes, I prefer to fight myself but my neighbors can't help but run to my aid! It's worth it though because I can get a ton of batteries too.

If you want to know how to get tons of neighbors but, more importantly, how to get really good and helpful neighbors to help you level up ASAP then click here.

Empires And Allies Secrets Review

Empires And Allies Secrets Review - at the current time of writing, we have requested a review copy from the makers of this new guide.

We are really eager to see what it is like. The last guide was a little thin on the ground in terms of real strategy so what will this one be like?

Bookmark this blog and come back soon because we will get our 100% honest review of Empires And Allies Secrets up as soon as possible.

By all means if you want to make your mind up then go ahead and check it out now for yourself by clicking the banner below:

How To Win Battles In Empires & Allies?

tank firing
Empires and Allies is quite unlike previous Zynga games with its battling feature. So how do you win?

Think of the three types of unit (doesn't matter whether you are air, sea or land) as like rock paper and scissors. One will always beat the other. e.g. Paper beats rock beats scissor beats paper (back to the beginning again).

Be The Top Empires and Allies Player
Using Top Secret Hints and Tips
In 8 Days Guaranteed!

The same applies in this game so you should always fight with an advantage. That way you will get more direct and critical hits. You get a critical hit roughly 20 to 30 per cent of the time and it rewards you with a free energy, a piece of ore as well as the standard 1 XP and coins.

If you are invading other people, try to avoid taking on 5 units. It's not worth it and you may even lose the battle. Try taking on only 2 or 3 units and be prepared to move around the map if necessary.

Never Pay for Empire Cash
Use Top Secret Hints and Tips
To Boost Empires and Allies Instantly!

Do NOT read this if you are NOT an Empires & Allies Fan

Have you been playing Empires & Allies? I have. What an addictive game, eh?
But it's also quite difficult, isn't it? I had to keep turning my immunity on because I was getting bullied by the big boys.
But no longer. I used some amazing strategies from a friend of mine called Chris Coolridge. He's got a tip which might help you too and it is also useful I think even if you still only play Cityville:
How To Get Really "GOOD" Neighbors, By Chris Coolridge of Empires Conquered.
In Empires & Allies (or any Zynga game), you want high quality, GOOD neighbors, who are gonna help you out. Not selfish ones who make your life a misery.
Visit Facebook groups that are there for people to leave "add me" messages to get new neighbors but don't just say "add me". You will get the WRONG kind of neighbors.
Instead, you should write something much longer. Don't just say your level. Say something sincere and long like: "Hey guys, I LOVE this game and play it every day. I always return gifts so if you send me one I will definitely send one back. And I will help out in your empires too and only attack with a few and low strength troops, you can do the same to me too. Thanks! :)"
Something similar to this works in all Zynga games. If you go look for good people, you will attract good people.
Hope you liked that. Chris also has a great website that he wrote to help people level up incredibly fast in Empires & Allies. If you're struggling and need some help then it is exactly what you need. Check it out here: Empires Conquered. 

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

How To Get Neighbors In Empires And Allies?

How To Get Neighbors In Empires And Allies? This is much easier than you think if you know how to.

Getting more neighbors is one of the critical keys to leveling up quickly and there are many ways that you can do it.

Be The Top Empires and Allies Player
Using Top Secret Hints and Tips
In 8 Days Guaranteed!

Many people use a dedicated Facebook gaming account for this purpose. Technically speaking, it is against Facebook terms. You do it at your own risk. It is not illegal, but you can potentially lose your account.

Another alternative is to add them to your existing account but to segregate your Empires and Allies neighbors into a specific group that has more stringent privacy settings on it so that they can't see your Wall posts, photos etc.

OK, so how to get actually get them? The easiest way is to search for neighbors groups on Facebook in the search box. You'll find many. Just go in there and leave a message on the wall saying "Add Me". If you want, you can also manually add those who have left a similar message.

Soon, you'll have a ton of friend requests. Accept these and then invite your new friends to be your neighbors. They'll accept and you'll have a ton of new neighbors!

Never Pay for Empire Cash
Use Top Secret Hints and Tips
To Boost Empires and Allies Instantly!

Free Empires And Allies Cash

Free Empires and Allies cash - where to get it?

The only way is to level up. Each time you do, you gain one piece of cash.

Otherwise it is impossible. It cannot be transferred from another account by a friend. The only other way to get it is to buy it.

However, think about why you want cash anyway? All it does is allow some occasional shortcuts to higher level things that you cannot access. Instead, you can just spend a little time elsewhere to level up fast and get as many ores, wood, oil, coins and whatever else you want. This includes access to all the higher level stuff too.

Within a week you will be making over $100,000 coins per day, have all the neighbors you will need, endless amounts of energy and max out your Empire Cash - Click Here.

Empires And Allies Cheats - Are There Any?

Empires And Allies Cheats - do these things really exist? Let me tell you the truth on the matter because there are many out there who will lie to you (and cheat YOU).

NO, there is no such thing as a cheat. This is because the game is controlled by Zynga. Even if you use a cheat program to add a ton of coins then this will allow you to save a screenshot to save to send to your buddies but no more.

Close the program down and Zynga (the game creators) will update your screen with the real values.

The closest thing to a cheat is to play the game in the most efficient way possible. This usually means getting a ton of neighbors. Have a good and efficient layout. Know how to get your neighbors on your side so that they are always gifting you and you basically never run out of energy. If you do this and you also learn how to have a balanced economy then you will never run out of coins, wood, oil or ores.

Discover how to have it all in Empires and Allies and level up FAST, your neighbors will be BEGGING to know how you did it! Click Here for the secret.

Best Empires And Allies Layout

What is the best Empires and Allies layout? I don't know, but the pros all seem to share the same key elements. Here is the Level 51 layout by well-known Empires and Allies (and other Zynga games too) player: T-Dub (Tony Sanders).

They build south from the main island. Many seem to build their houses down there, I'm not sure why. But I think they establish it as a base, a kind of coins machine or powerhouse.

Clearly it pays off to lump similar buildings together. If you do that then it makes your life so much easier when it comes to replenishing your buildings. You will save a lot of time with this strategy.

Notice how economical with the use of space he is - hardly any exposed coastline. So when he used his expansions, he nearly always had good land space to build on.

All those tarmac areas for aeroplanes though, that is not economical at all. I guess he makes plenty of oil. And you can see he spends most of his wood because he only has 3,411 but I guess he just doesn't need that much wood, only enough to expand. No doubt that his coins are all from those farms.

Discover from T-Dub how you can legally dominate the game, getting the large Greek Houses, Level III industries and military, as well as the Space Exploration Center, all Powerups, Decorations and Expansions - Click Here.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Empires and Allies Game

Welcome to Empires and Allies Game!

We are an unofficial fan blog. Nothing to do with Zynga or the creators of the Empires and Allies game - we just love playing it.

If you've never played it before then click here:

If you want to know how to level up very fast then click here: Empires & Allies Secrets.

Stay tuned for great hints and tips on the game.