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Friday, 1 July 2011

Need Neighbors For Empires And Allies?

Do you need more neighbors for Empires And Allies? That's an easy one.

Simply go to the Facebook search box and type in empires allies add neighbors and it will turn up with many different groups.

Visit those groups and leave a comment saying "Add Me". If you want to be really effective then you should leave a little bit more, say that you are a daily player and you always return gifts and you send plenty of gifts etc.

If you do this then tons of people will add you as their friend. You should then invite them to be your neighbors. Don't be lazy and wait for them to do that as that's unfair!

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How To Get Empire Points?

Empire points are a way to short cut this game. You get one each time you level up. Otherwise, there is no free way to get them and you have to pay real cash to get them. This works out to be really expensive.

If you're a millionaire then who cares, right? If you earn 6 figures then who cares.

But if you are like everyone else on a normal salary then how else can you short cut your way to the top? The answer is a guide like Empires Conquered.

How To Complete "Bombing Run" Task?

How To Complete "Bombing Run" Task?

This is one of many tasks that will require you to "deploy" a specific type of military unit, in this case 2 vintage bombers in order to destroy a battleship.

Now many people find that they build the unit in these types of missions and yet the game doesn't seem to recognize it. It says something like "0/2" to indicate that nothing happened.

The reason is that if the game asks you to deploy something then this means you must put it on the map. You cannot just stick it in your inventory by clicking the cancel button.

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How To Put Map Items Into Inventory?

Space on your map is a premium in this game so what about your inventory? Inventories are normally for storing stuff so what can you put in there?

Well, unfortunately, you cannot take something from your map and place it in your inventory. The game won't let you do that. The inventory is really used to store things that the game gives you and wants you to place.

But there is a loophole you can exploit!

If you create military units and are about to place them then you can click the cancel button and it will put it in your inventory. The best part is that you can use these units in battle, even though they aren't on your map!

So if you want to have 24 military units stuffed in your inventory and none on the map then all 24 will be available to choose from any time you have a battle. This leads to all kinds of other possibilities too...

Like this cool tip? Get plenty more just like it from the Empires & Allies guru here: Click Here.